Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I had to look up the definition of wench to see if I was on the right track for the title of my blog. Seriously, the naming of a blog can make or break you. Since I expect “Word Wench” to catapult me into fame and fortune, I do not take the name of my blog lightly. 
On dictionary.com, a wench is defined as “a country lass or a working girl”. Sums me up perfectly. Not the country lass, of course, since the age limit must be around 15.  Rather, the working girl fits me to a tee, since I plan to work feverishly at this blog.  That means posting frequently, creating positively riveting material that tugs at the reader’s heartstrings, and working on the craft of writing in short spurts.
Why the short spurts? Because, lately I seem to have the attention span of a gnat. I get great ideas and can’t seem to write more than a few paragraphs before I am bored silly.  Indeed, writing is work.  Hard work. I’ve learned it is decidedly more difficult than it appears.
I learned the hard way.  Two years ago, I switched to working part-time to write the novel inside of me.  It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve tried the writing life but this was going to be IT! I was going to write a best seller.  Ah, the incredible optimism, the supreme confidence, the complete naiveté. 
I did finish a novel in less than a year.  It’s a lovely little mystery called Bow Wow.  Yes, it’s got dogs in it but no animals were harmed in the writing of the book.  I submitted it to a writing contest, certain that I would win, get published and launch my career.
Didn’t quite turn out that way.  Not even an honorable mention. I was shocked, saddened, crushed, couldn’t eat or sleep, and even my dog, Jester, started to worry about me. I did what many writers do.  I gave up.  Dejected,  I returned to my job full-time and felt too tired to write at the end of the day.
Until now.
I’ve decided to flex my writing muscle once again. This time, it will have to be in sprints instead of marathons. Blog posts instead of chapters.
So, say hello to the Mary, the Word Wench and keep on reading. I promise to keep writing if you’ll keep following me.