Thursday, January 30, 2014


If your office is like mine, you probably had a staff refrigerator for stashing  lunches or Slim-Fasts if you prefer to drink your calories.  Many people store left over pizza or turkey wraps from a super-sized lunch on the rare times they eat out.  No matter what’s inside the fridge, over time, it seems like everything multiplies.  Suddenly there are four jars of jelly, eight bottles of salad dressing and numerous  bags of mystery food lining the shelves. 
Last week, as I struggled to store my left over chicken salad, I touched a bag of something gooey. Did I actually have the temerity to open it?  Not a chance. Something  squished in my hand, leaving a liquid trail drooling down the shelf.  It was then I noticed the bag had the name of an employee who had been laid off six months before. 
As I washed the science experiment off my hands, I realized I had had it! No way would I tolerate this hazmat of a refrigerator that was spawning more bacteria than the flu virus.  I was going to clean this thing out and make sure this would never happen again.
I anointed myself the fridge czar and sent a staff-wide memo that anything without a name would be tossed by Friday.  Suddenly, that Lean Cuisine with an expiration date going back to 2007 was a sacred cow.  How dare I throw it away?
Numerous suggestions flowed into my in box.   Why not alphabetize the shelves and create a personal space for each staff member?  Why not leave only one mustard in there at a time? Why did we have to put our names on things? The suggestions were endless, but no one offered to help me take on this gargantuan task.
Tossing bags filled with mystery food gave me a huge sense of accomplishment.  I cleaned every nook and cranny of the fridge and had it gleaming in less than an hour.  Suddenly, I was the darling of the office.  Accolades poured  in! So, this was the way to get  recognition-perfect!  Now that I’m the fridge czar I’m going to take on more territory.  Next, I’ll tackle the microwave!

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