Monday, December 16, 2013


I knew it was a foolish thing to do. I knew it might be downright dangerous. But I just had to go to Costco on Black Friday.  My dog was out of treats and his favorite brand had a coupon for $4.00 off.  I was going and that was all there was to it. I would invoke the parking angel when I got there.

I went early, thinking I might beat the crowd. Wrong. Already, the cars were streaming into the parking lot and hopefuls sat watching shoppers load their trunks with massive quantities of food, paper goods and furniture. I went on the prowl for someone who was already on the move.

That’s when I saw it. A Prius pulling out of a parking space that was almost spitting distance from the Costco entrance.  Talk about good karma!  I put on my blinker and waited for them to back up.

As the Prius pulled away, I saw a black Mercedes with its turn signal on, fully intent on the same parking space. I had the advantage since I could swing in as the Prius was leaving.  Which I did at warp speed.

The Mercedes was not happy. I did a little shrug to say, “Sorry, I was here first.” But the car honked at me and squealed off. I sat in the car and wondered what might happen while I went inside the store.  Would they leave a nasty note on my windshield? Would they key my doors? Would they puncture a tire with a nail file?

I was letting my imagination get the best of me. They’d be grown ups and find another parking space.  None as good as this one, but that's not my fault, right?

I got in and got out in record time, holding my breath as I approached my car. It was fine. Nothing had happened.  Makes me believe in parking angels for real.

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