Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I take a shuttle bus once a week to work at another campus which provides the ultimate opportunity for people watching.  To pass the travel time, I let my imagination wander and often create mini-stories about my fellow riders based on conversations I overhear. Other times, I play matchmaker, pairing one of the unsuspecting riders with a friend who's in the market for love. I just can't help myself.

I know LOTS of singles and I'm always on the lookout for Mr. or Ms. Right. My single friends come in all shapes and sizes, all ages,colors and sexual orientations, so I've got my work cut out for me.

Today, I spy a beautiful man sitting across the aisle from me. He's beyond tall, dark and handsome if you'll pardon the cliche. He's got the Nike look from head to toe so I figure him to be athletic too. He'd be perfect for one of my friends.

I'm sitting across from your future husband, I text to my friend.

That's hilarious, my friend shoots back.

Shall I get his number? is my question.

That may be a bit much, is the response.

My friend is probably right. The poor guy might think I'm a crazy homeless person even though I'm dressed professionally. I mean, how would I start?

"Hey, buddy, I know someone you're dying to meet."

Sounds pretty lame. I watch him walk into a building as I get off the bus.  Who knows what might have been if I had only said something? That's when I swear if he's on the bus next week, I'm gonna talk to him.

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